Technology, Health,
Research and Development
Smile secret hall

Introduction to Tourist Factory



Perseverance and unremitting efforts are the dividing point between great men and ordinary men. If you want to enjoy life, you need to have good teeth and delicious food. Of mutual encouragement
The number of pharmaceutical companies in this area is the highest in the country, 30 years ago the government implemented the GMP specification of pharmaceutical companies, there are as many as 10, resulting in a large number of pharmaceutical workers. As one of the founders, Mr. Ke Chaozhi because of the young family poverty, in order to feed and cultivate younger siblings and choose high-challenge and high-income business work, especially in the young mother and family poverty when often take herbal or family medicine package, recognized that its effect is limited and many side effects, and therefore derived from ambition.
Looking forward to the future, if we have the ability, we will make more good medicines to benefit the society and make our best efforts and contributions to human health and happiness. Oral health is an important health trend today. Whether it is life care, eating habits, and cleaning and warranty methods, they all affect the health of the oral cavity and biological organs. However, in recent years, news reports have reported that Taiwan’s children’s tooth decay rate is the highest in the world, and adult periodontal disease has exceeded 60%. However, oral diseases rely on hospital diagnosis and treatment. Important preventive health care lacks strong publicity and promotion by organizations or institutions.
In view of this, minefield International Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has established a "smile secret Museum" with the theme of oral health care. Through the cooperation of industry and education of the school of Stomatology of Chung Shan Medical University, it provides professionals and materials to jointly serve the public and improve the oral health and quality of life of Chinese people.

Health is what everyone pursues, especially after the age of 60, the degree of attention must be increased day by day. People say: Teenagers exchange their bodies for money, they are less vigilant, middle-aged people pay attention to health care, and without a healthy body, the asset number will be 0 in front of it!

Facilities introduction

"Processing Corridor"
Located on the 3rd floor of the main building, in the process essence area, guests can learn about the story of minefield companies and brands, the rigorous quality control R&D process, the professional pharmaceutical team and toothpaste manufacturing process, and the health and beauty avenue most popular with female friends through guided tours.


"Smile Secret Pavilion"
Located on the first basement floor of the main building, through dedicated guides, illustrations, interactive media and large-scale oral models, guests can gradually learn about oral structure, medical and disease knowledge, toothbrush and toothpaste history and culture, and various oral health and maintenance methods. He became an expert in oral health care.


"Experience Classroom"
Located on the first basement floor of the main building, guests can engage in various knowledge and fun experience activities, such as exclusive toothpaste DIY experience and professional dental inspection lectures.